Walsh Gallegos attorneys know school law. That is what we do; every attorney, every day.
Baylor University School of Law
Baylor University
Bachelor of Science in Forensic
Licensed in State of Texas
Texas Council of School Attorneys
State Bar of Texas, School Law Section
Austin Bar Association
Author of the "Ask A Lawyer" column
published in the TASSP News
Co-author of the Charter School
Student Code of Conduct, published
by the Texas Charter School
Haley Turner comes from three generations of public educators – teachers, counselors, nurses, coaches, and administrators – and grew up hearing about every aspect of the issues facing public schools. A third-generation Baylor Bear, Haley’s roots have influenced her decision to dedicate her practice to public education.
Haley prides herself in providing practical, results-driven counsel, and believes the most effective way to assist public schools is to help build relationships between Superintendents, Boards, and the communities they serve. To that end, Haley’s practice focuses on employment and student issues, governance and crisis management, and preventative training.
Haley has worked hard to become a highly sought-after speaker at school law conferences and frequently provides training in all areas of school law. She particularly enjoys providing interactive professional development and team-building experiences for districts all across the state.