Walsh Gallegos attorneys know school law. That is what we do; every attorney, every day.
Baylor Law School (2005)
Order of Barristers
Baylor University (Magna Cum Laude (1998)
Bachelor of Science in Education
M.L. Goetting Award for
Outstanding Senior in
Secondary Education
Licensed in the State of Texas
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
Texas Southern District Court
Texas State Bar of Texas, School Law Section
Houston Bar Association
Heather Potts is the daughter of a public school educator and a former teacher herself. Though she grew up in Montana and North Dakota, Heather taught high school English in rural El Paso—an experience that changed her life and would serve as a personal touchstone going forward. The assistant principal who hired Heather for her first teaching job continues to be one of her life’s best cheerleaders and one of Heather’s dearest friends.
Heather’s legal experience includes the resolution of business disputes, fiduciary representation, and appellate work in federal district courts along with successful oral argument before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Heather’s current practice centers on school facilities and business, governance, and student issues.
Heather finds the relationship between education and legal representation to be organic; after all, to be an effective attorney one must first be an effective teacher and advocate. On a final note, Heather hopes never again to see or read a copy of Beowulf or The Canterbury Tales.