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November 22, 2016
Scholarship Opportunity: TASB Student Voices

Student Voices @ Winter Governance Legal Seminar

March 2 – 4, 2017

Omni Bayfront Hotel

Corpus Christi, TX


Walsh Gallegos Treviño Russo & Kyle P.C. is again partnering with the Texas Association of School Boards to provide scholarships to four graduating high school students. 


Four students will be selected to share personal stories about their experiences in Texas public schools and each selected student will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Eligibility Requirements include: currently enrolled high school senior in a Texas public high school and commit to attend and participate in the 2017 Winter Governance and Legal Seminar on March 2 – 4, 2017 at the Omni Bayfront Hotel in Corpus Christi, Texas. Hotel accommodations will be paid for and secured by TASB and panelists will be reimbursed up to $500 for additional travel expenses.



A link to the application is located on the events page of our website at .  Or it can be found on TASB’s website:


Deadline to apply is January 11, 2017.

November 21, 2016
School Law Conference for Districts in Region Five

Experienced school lawyers Blake Henshaw, Christina Garcia, Melanie Charleston & Shellie  Hoffman Crow will discuss Cameras in the Classroom, Social Media and Booster Clubs with an emphasis on practical application and plenty  of time for Q and A. Barry Haenisch, Executive 
Director of the Texas Association of Community Schools, Schools, will present the association’s agenda and developments. Breakfast and lunch will also be provided – all at no cost! 


Region 5 Education Service Center Edison Plaza, 350 Pine St. #500 Beaumont, TX 77701


Download the Flyer


Cameras in the Classroom | Blake Henshaw & Christina Garcia 

Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, all school districts are required to implement surveillance cameras in certain special education self-contained settings upon request and in accordance with new statutory and regulatory mandates. Is your district in compliance? Have you considered policy updates? Do you have guidelines in place? This session will address the legal requirements set forth in Senate Bill 507, provide an update on potential legislation, and provide practical guidance on

implementing the new mandates.


Boosters: The Good, the Bad & the Dangerous | Melanie Charleston

Do you know what your PTA, PTO, and booster organizations should and should not be providing to your campus? Should you or other school personnel play an active role in those organizations? This conference will review district policy provisions governing these organizations and other guidance to help you prevent legal problems with your parent and community support organizations and ensure that they are operating for the full benefit of the students and the district.


Social Media | Shellie Hoffman Crow

Could an ill-advised posting on social media by an employee or a student give reason for the District to take action against them? What rights do employees and students have to freedom of speech on the internet and social media? What can school districts do about employees and students putting inappropriate information on the internet? An experienced school attorney will provide an overview of the state laws and court opinions to help navigate these challenging questions.

March 17, 2016
LRP’s National Institute on Legal Issues of Educating Individuals with Disabilities

Are you attending LRP in the Big Easy this year? We will be there too!  Walsh Gallegos Treviño Russo & Kyle’s own Elena Gallegos will present “OSEP’s Answers to Your Questions: The Top 40 Hits” at 10 AM on Monday, April 25. She will present this topic again at 10:15 AM on Tuesday, April 26. Elena Gallegos will present a second topic “Understanding and Adhering to the IDEA Discipline Rules From A-Z” at 1:15 PM on Tuesday, April 26 and again at 11:15 AM on April 27.  The four-day conference begins April 24, 2016. To register for LRP click here. For more information about LRP click here.

February 9, 2016
School Law Conference for Districts in Region One

School Law Conference for Districts in Region One
Breakfast and Lunch Sponsored by the Texas Association of Community Schools

March 8, 2016, 8:15 AM - 1:00 PM

This half-day legal conference provides an update on critical issues facing school administrators. The Texas Legislature has changed the rules about the reporting of potential conflicts of interest. Congress has passed The Every Student Succeeds Act. Students and teachers continue to use social media in ways that present challenges. And how should we address the media these days? Experienced school lawyers will review these topics with an emphasis on practical application and plenty of time for Q and A. Barry Haenisch, Executive Director of the Texas Association of Community Schools will present the association's 2016 working agenda and developments.


To register for this event, please call Aurea Hernandez in our Rio Grande Valley office at 866-770-6864.

January 4, 2016
HR Symposiums

Our popular HR Symposiums will be held at 10 locations around Texas, beginning in February, 2016.  Registration is available online through our events page.  For more information send us an email at [email protected] or call Liz Clay in our Austin office at 800.252.3405.   


Download the PDF here.

January 4, 2016
New Year!

Happy New Year and welcome to our new website!  We are very excited to launch our new site.  We ask for your patience as we continue to iron out a few wrinkles.  If you have any problems with the site, please send us an email at [email protected] or call Michelle Phelps in our Austin office at 800.252.3405. 

January 1, 2016
Jim Walsh at Region 10 ESC

Jim Walsh at Region 10 ESC



Walsh Gallegos Treviño Russo & Kyle, P.C. (hereinafter "Walsh Gallegos") provides this information for informational purposes only. The information provided is not legal advice. The information may not reflect the most current legal developments or analysis of legal issues. You should not act or rely upon the information on this site without consulting with an attorney.

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